Learn about measuring instrument calibration and its importance

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measuring instrument calibration is one of the necessary things in companies, factories, and industrial activities, which is provided by the International Company for Environmental Services.

Calibration is defined as a set of measurement processes that occur under certain and specific conditions using tools and measuring devices backed by international or national standards that achieve the SI units.

As well as Calibration operations are useful in determining the accuracy of measuring devices within industrial facilities, their suitability for the purposes for which they are used, and their conformity with the International System of Measurement (SI) according to specific international standards. So, the characteristics of measuring devices are determined by finding the relationship between the real value and the measured value.

The International Environmental Services Company owns the latest calibration equipment and devices with approved certificates. It also calibrates and submits calibration certificates for measuring devices within facilities and industrial companies.

Pillars of measuring instrument calibration process

From the above definitions, we conclude that the calibration process is based on the following pillars:

  • Testing and measuring equipment: It is the equipment for which the calibration process is used.
  • Standard reference: The reference with which we compare the equipment or quantity to be calibrated, and one of its conditions is that it must be (Traceable),  it is linked to a series of calibrations that support each other, and this series is connected to one of the units of the International System of Units of Measurement (SI).
  • Metrologist: A person who conducts the calibration process.
  • Laboratory: It is the place where the appropriate environmental conditions are available to conduct the calibration process (temperatures / dust-free), humidity ratio/distance from vibrations and mechanical shocks/distance from electric and magnetic fields and their sources and distance from heat sources such as sunlight and others.
  • Procedural Manual: By which the metrology specialist or calibration technician receives the steps of conducting the calibration process.
  • Calibration Records: These are the documents in which the data of the calibration process are recorded.
  • Calibration Certificate: It is the document that includes the final judgment on the efficiency of the equipment and an indication of the value of the measured quantity, along with the uncertainty (certificate of doubt) in the process.

The importance of measuring instrument calibration:

So It must be taken into account that the measuring device is the highest level of technological progress of the equipment due to its higher degree of accuracy than the equipment that measures its properties.

Also, the development in these devices precedes the development stages in all other equipment, which necessitates that the measuring device is considered the first weapon for technicians and engineers to secure equipment of all kinds, and its importance is summarized in the following:

  • Any equipment whose parameters have not been measured by a measuring device cannot be trusted.
  • It is not possible to trust any measuring device that has not been calibrated periodically according to its calibration date specified by the producing company – with all levels of hierarchical calibration up to the standard level.
  • The most dangerous thing is to leave measuring devices uncalibrated according to the timing of their calibration, as indicated in the Technical Manual attached to each device, even if it is stored and unused.
  • In view of the lack of sufficient awareness of the importance of calibration – they think that the mere validity of the device for operation is permissible for use, and this is a particular danger.

measuring instrument calibration services from the International Environmental Services Company:

  • Measurement and calibration work for all productive sectors, research centers, service agencies, and others in Egypt and the Arab world.
  • Calibration of all measuring devices in all laboratories of the departments of the Quality Control Center.
  • Environmental Measurements.
  • Technical Consulting.
  • Training engineers and physicists from companies and factories on calibration work at the Calibration Department laboratories in the Authority.
  • Studying projects of Egyptian standard specifications for measuring devices and tools, and methods of calibrating them, and making observations thereon.

Previous work in the measuring instrument calibration for all industrial activities:

  • The petroleum sector, the pharmaceutical industry sector, and the chemical industry sector.
  • The food industries sector and the engineering industries sector.
  • Spinning and weaving sector, contracting sector, and suppliers.
  • Cement manufacturers and tourism companies.
  • Road and bridge sawing companies.
  • Hospitals, medical centers, and laboratories.


  • The company does not provide calibration certificates for measuring devices
  • The company carries out calibration only and without presenting its own certificate

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