Various environmental measurements of air are the most important step in determining air quality, both indoors and outdoors.
The air quality laboratory contains devices to measure the concentration of air pollutants, whether indoor air pollutants or pollutants in the surrounding environment such as gases and fine particles,
These measurements are made according to the approved standards.
The International Environmental Services Company provides environmental consultations and calibration of research, information and analysis, which helps the state and industrial bodies to achieve their goals to monitor the level of air quality.
The company also has the latest devices that are used to monitor the level of toxic substances, gases, and all airborne pollutants, such as suspended fine materials.
Environmental measurements of air
The International Company for Environmental Services develops and facilitates methods for measuring air pollutants, in addition to designing information management systems that will facilitate the process of fetching the results of chemical analyzes and data analysis with scientific interpretation.
This includes:
Monitor the source of the emission.
Monitor air quality.
Indoor air quality.
Air pollution forecasting and how to combat it and training for this purpose.
Developing an environmental database in addition to the atmospheric environment.
This is in addition to the following works:
Environmental impact assessment study of all kinds.
Measurement of gases emitted from various industrial activities.
Measurement of gaseous emissions from chimneys.
Measuring dust resulting from various industrial activities.
Measurement of dust produced by smoker (ISO Kinetic).
Measurement of noise intensity, illumination intensity, thermal stress, and ventilation in the workplace.
Make various environmental records.
Measurement of vibrations inside industrial facilities.

Environmental Measurements Laboratory:
Measurements business scope:
General air measurements include (carbon monoxide gas – sulfur dioxide gas – nitrogen dioxide gas – ozone gas – ammonia gas – total suspended particles – inhaled particles PM10 – chest particles PM2.5 – lead).
Measurements of the concentration of gaseous emissions and dust from chimneys.
Car exhaust concentration measurement.

Work environment measurements include
Measurement of the total suspended dust concentration.
Measure the concentration of inhaled dust.
Equivalent noise intensity measurement.
Measuring the intensity of illumination.
Thermal stress measurement.
Measure the intensity of ventilation.
Vibration measurement.
Ultraviolet measurement
Radiation measurement
Electromagnetic wave measurement.
Measure the concentration of gases emitted in the work environment.
Drawing and analyzing water samples from different sources.